

How to distinguish customers from cybercriminals?

The solution is intended for institutions with payment service systems. It allows you to distinguish customers from cybercriminals whose goal is to steal funds. Additionally, it verifies the visitor's device for malware infections that could disrupt the operation of the online service.

Enable fraud protection in the digital world.

MPShield prevents identity theft by protecting user accounts from unauthorized access.

How to prevent fraud in real-time?

Anomaly Detection.

Most scams start with phishing, account takeover, malware infections, or calls from fake consultants advising users to install remote control software. By analyzing the device, the system quickly identifies irregularities that may indicate attempted attacks.

What makes the solution effective?

Experience and innovative approach.

MPShield has been providing the highest level of transaction security in the banking, fintech, and e - commerce industries for years. The technology responds to advanced attack methods, ensuring reliable and effective protection. The solution is proven and ready to protect your services from threats posed by fraudsters.

How to prepare for the increasing number of cyber threats?

Automate protection.

Increased cybercriminal activity and a shortage of specialists force companies to maximize automation. MPShield is delivered in a SECaaS (Security As A Service / SaaS) model, reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs for the organization.

Does the new solution mean higher costs?

Convenience without additional costs.

MPShield allows quick deployment in a production environment without building new and dedicated data exchange interfaces. The service can be briefly described as a plug-and-play solution.

How does MPShield work?

Quick and seamless activation.


Easy implementation.

Embedding a JavaScript script on the website to integrate with the security system.


No additional software required.

The solution in the SeCaaS model minimizes the organization’s involvement in deploying protection.


Proven performance.

Perfectly calibrated mechanisms deliver unmatched effectiveness in spotting suspicious activities.

Enter a new era of cybersecurity services.

Advanced protection against hackers' creativity.

Hackers can bypass security measures such as tokens, SMS authentication, masked passwords, and one-time authorization codes. Phishing, malware, and other cyber threat are constantly evolving, and protection against these attacks requires proven and effective solutions. MPShield provides a reliable response to these threats, consistently staying ahead of new attack methods.

Multiple mechanisms for precise risk calculation.

The system, equipped with anti-phishing, anti-fraud, and anti-malware modules, calculates risk based on factors such as device profile, transaction type, presence of malware, or analysis of user activity.

Innovative technology supported by experts.

The service harnesses AI/ML-driven solutions combined with the expertise of cybersecurity professionals. This powerful synergy has demonstrated exceptional effectiveness in threat detection. MPShield analyzes data streams in real time to identify and predict potential cyber threats, ensuring protection.

6 key reasons to choose PREBYTES

Gain more than just protection.

Ikona przedstawiająca dwa trybiki, symbolizujące wygodną i szybką integrację.
Minimizing financial losses due to theft of funds.
Ikona przedstawiajaca cyfry 24/7 symbolizująca całodobową cyberochronę.
Proven protection for users.
Ikona przedstawiająca okrąg ze strzałkami i znakiem wyboru w środku, symbolizująca wykrywanie przejęcia urządzenia w czasie rzeczywistym.
Fully compliant with PSD2 standards.
Ikona przedstawiająca stylizowany mózg z połączeniami sieciowymi, symbolizująca zaawansowaną ochronę.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
Ikona przedstawiająca wykres słupkowy z malejącymi wartościami i strzałką skierowaną w dół, symbolizująca oszczędność czasu i środków.
Protection against ATO, phishing, vishing, malware and AML.
Ikona przedstawiająca zębatkę z wykresem słupkowym i strzałką skierowaną w górę, obok znajduje się sylwetka człowieka, symbolizująca detekcja skoncentrowana na aktywności cyberprzestępców.
Saving time and operational costs associated with fraud handling.
What else can you do to protect your business?

BrowserWall DNS

Protect network and block access to dangerous websites.

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Website Protection

Ensure business continuity and defend your online assets.

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Prevent Account Takeover, stop fraud and money laundering.

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Device digital fingerprint and Strong User Authentication (SCA)

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Remote Desktop Detection

Prevent remote access scam and remote desktop takeover.

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Mobile Application Security

Protect your application against emulators, malware, and takeover.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Real-time access to online threats for your IDS/IPS, MISP, SIEM, and incident response team.

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Dark Web Investigation

Investigate the internet for harmful content for your organization.

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Protect your business against malware attacks.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Real-time access to online threats for your IDS/IPS, MISP, SIEM, and incident response team.

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Threat Analysis

Professional cyberthreats analysis

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Incident Handling

Professional cyberthreats mitigation

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BrowserWall DNS

Protect network and block access to dangerous websites.

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Dark Web Investigation

Investigate the internet for harmful content for your organization.

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Protect your brand against phishing attacks.

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Cybersecurity awareness newsletter to keep your organization up to date.

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What else can you do to protect your business?

Remote Desktop Detection

Prevent remote access scam and remote desktop takeover.

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