Protect your brand’s image with the top cyber defense

Monitoring and analyzing threats provides adequate brand protection against hacker attacks.

How to protect business from hackers?

Hackers impersonate well-known brands daily, such as banks, online platforms, e-commerce sites, courier companies, and government institutions, to acquire valuable data. Constant monitoring, threat analysis, and incident response are essential cybersecurity services for every business.

What can we do for you?

Phishing attacks, fake Google ads, and social media profiles pose real threats to your brand's reputation. PREBYTES SIRT's efforts span various channels, aiming to detect and block attacks without engaging company resources.

A person is working on a laptop surrounded by coding screens, security icons, and monitoring the dark web.

What will you do if hackers compromise your data?

Monitoring the Dark Web.

We continuously monitor activity on the Dark Web, identifying potential threats to your business and privacy. This allows us to prevent planned attacks on your company or associated individuals.

How can you ensure customer trust?

Protecting your online image.

Detecting and blocking fake websites genuinely affect a company's reputation online. Hackers exploit customer trust in specific brands by impersonating businesses to deceive users. Both the companies used in the attack and the users suffer.
A person with a laptop stands next to a large shield with a padlock on the screen, symbolizing online reputation protection and data security. In the background, there is a world map with marked locations.
Person holding a megaphone, with yellow envelopes flying out of it, symbolizing SPAM campaigns.

Are you prepared for losing customers?

Detecting brand misuse in spam.

Hackers use company names, employee names, and contact information in spam campaigns to increase their effectiveness. PREBYTES SIRT analyzes hundreds of thousands of spam messages daily, with malicious attachments and links to fake sites, to detect any brand misuse by hackers.

The legal consequences are severe.

Employee data security - protection against identity theft.

A company data breach can lead to serious consequences, threatening the organization's stability and reputation. That's why PREBYTES SIRT guards data security, utilizing advanced AI/ML technology supported by analytical work to detect potential threats as quickly as possible.
A person using a mobile phone, standing next to servers with security icons, symbolizing employee data security and protection against identity theft.

How does collaboration with SIRT work?


24/7 Business protection

Continuous safeguarding guarantees an immediate response to emerging threats.


Solution deployment even in one day

Rapid security without the need for investment in technology and hiring security specialists.


A holistic solution to the problem

Combined with the analytical activities of experts, AI ensures effective business protection.

With PREBYTES SIRT protection, you can achieve more.

Outsourcing cybersecurity services pays off.

Entrusting your brand's protection to experienced specialists from PREBYTES SIRT minimizes the costs associated with creating your own security teams. The solution is offered as SeCaaS (Security as a Service), so there is no need to purchase additional equipment or hire employees.

Explore collaboration in detail.


Reliable security and support for your business.

PREBYTES SIRT also provides support for your cybersecurity team. Through this collaborative approach, we ensure constant monitoring of your company's security. Ongoing contact between your specialists and PREBYTES enables swift support in identifying and mitigating threats.

Cybersecurity is compliant with GDPR, DORA, and NIS2.

The PREBYTES SIRT solution will ensure compliance with stringent regulatory standards that companies must adhere to. You'll effectively reduce the risk of penalties for non-compliance with current regulations. In the case of DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) and NIS2 (Network and Information Security), business operation bans are also anticipated in addition to financial penalties.  

Collaborate with experts.

An icon depicting three people within a shield, symbolizing comprehensive protection for your business.

Complementary protection for your business

internet monitoring, threat analysis, and incident handling.
An icon depicting a stopwatch and a lightning bolt, symbolizing a rapid response to threats.

Rapid response to threats

minimizing the impact of detected attacks on the brand.
An icon depicting a stopwatch and a lightning bolt, symbolizing a rapid response to threats.

Secure information exchange

with a dedicated cybersecurity expert.

Do you already know it's worth it?

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What else can you do to protect your business?

BrowserWall DNS

Protect network and block access to dangerous websites.

See more

Website Protection

Ensure business continuity and defend your online assets.

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Prevent Account Takeover, stop fraud and money laundering.

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Device digital fingerprint and Strong User Authentication (SCA)

See more

Remote Desktop Detection

Prevent remote access scam and remote desktop takeover.

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Mobile Application Security

Protect your application against emulators, malware, and takeover.

See more

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Real-time access to online threats for your IDS/IPS, MISP, SIEM, and incident response team.

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Dark Web Investigation

Investigate the internet for harmful content for your organization.

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Protect your business against malware attacks.

See more

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Real-time access to online threats for your IDS/IPS, MISP, SIEM, and incident response team.

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Threat Analysis

Professional cyberthreats analysis

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Incident Handling

Professional cyberthreats mitigation

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BrowserWall DNS

Protect network and block access to dangerous websites.

See more

Dark Web Investigation

Investigate the internet for harmful content for your organization.

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Protect your brand against phishing attacks.

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Cybersecurity awareness newsletter to keep your organization up to date.

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What else can you do to protect your business?

Remote Desktop Detection

Prevent remote access scam and remote desktop takeover.

See more


Device digital fingerprint and Strong User Authentication (SCA)

See more

Website Protection

Ensure business continuity and defend your online assets.

See more


Prevent Account Takeover, stop fraud and money laundering.

See more


Device digital fingerprint and Strong User Authentication (SCA)

See more

BrowserWall DNS

Protect network and block access to dangerous websites.                

See more

Mobile Application Security

Protect your application against emulators, malware, and takeover.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Real-time access to online threats for your IDS/IPS, MISP, SIEM, and incident response team.

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Dark Web Investigation

Investigate the internet for harmful content for your organization.

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Protect your business against malware attacks.

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Incident Handling

Professional cyberthreats mitigation.

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